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We provide the blind and visually impaired with the tools that allow them their independence.

Initial Early Stimulation

The initial early stimulation consists of supporting the knowledge of the world, focused on infants with visual disabilities from 0 to 3 years old with a program focused on development, psychomotor, sensory, cognitive, language, social, compensatory, self-help and self-care and in the case of children with low vision, visual development. Focused from 0 to 3 years of life according to the evolution of the child.

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Early Preschool Stimulation

Early preschool stimulation is about providing support to develop. You can start in this area from 3 to 6 years, in the same way according to the progress of each child, focusing on sensory-perceptual, cognitive, memory skills, as well as the development of concepts of preparation for Braille, concepts spatial and Pre-calculus, fine and gross motor skills, memory, social skills such as self-help, independence, self-concept, preparing the child for important changes that help them to adapt physically, to have greater cognitive competence and a more complex social relationship.

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Academic Support

We provide tools to users in basic education to achieve the correct acquisition of basic learning in reading, writing and logic, mathematics and based on the basic school curriculum, seeking its regulation and leveling. As an institution, we seek that the main limitation is not visual impairment and we adapt the learning processes to the visual weakness or blindness that our users may present, adjustments are made that serve as the main focus when it comes to a teaching process. We seek that the child acquires tools for their school process and can apply them in daily life, giving them references that lead to symbolic learning and their role in society to be more effective. We also work hand in hand with parents and schools so that their journey within the center in the area of ??Academic Support is much more effective when it comes to seeking that the user is at a cognitive level at the level of their groupmates .

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21 Sep 2022

El estudio de la música desde una perspectiva de Discapacidad Visual.

¿Sabes como las personas con Discapacidad Visual aprenden música? Gerardo Gallegos, maestro de música, nos explica como.

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Lorem ipsum es el texto que se usa habitualmente en diseño gráfico en demostraciones de tipografías o de borradores de diseño para probar el diseño visual antes de insertar el texto final. Aunque no posee actualmente fuentes para justificar sus hipótesis, el profesor de filología clásica Richard McClintock asegura que su uso se remonta a los impresores de comienzos del siglo XVI.1​ Su uso en algunos editores de texto muy conocidos en la actualidad ha dado al

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Get to know the park “Explora Los Sentidos”

It is a safe, clean, and innovative space that encourages physical activity among the members of our community and likewise contributes to the social fabric, enhancing the values ​​of respect, tolerance, and civility. In addition to raising awareness in the community so that social paradigms regarding disability can be changed.

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In the CEIAC store you can find a wide variety of articles and support tools for people with visual problems.

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